Faulke Yue nice photo...
31. Oktober um 03:56
Christine Salzer what´s the time there? here it is late at night I just made a new profile
31. Oktober um 03:59
Faulke Yue 10pm
31. Oktober um 03:58
Christine Salzer ... is the music I h´m hearing this moment
31. Oktober um 04:00
Faulke Yue i like the music....
31. Oktober um 04:02
Christine Salzer hmm, they are from Krakow I was there as child.
31. Oktober um 04:03
Faulke Yue really very nice...
31. Oktober um 04:03
Faulke Yue must be nice to hear them in concert live
31. Oktober um 04:07
Faulke Yue that was awesome...thanks for sharing
31. Oktober um 04:12
Christine Salzer They´ve been there three days ago, but not at at Gare de la Lune So there was no dance. Only to sit & wait
31. Oktober um 04:15
Christine Salzer :)
31. Oktober um 04:16
Faulke Yue i love the gypsied sounds.....very soothing and exciting at the same time
31. Oktober um 04:18
Christine Salzer At Gare de la Lune they played often Tango in 2004 ... Some of the people danced there three times the week. Sometimes Das Blaue Einhorn had been there ... Next Tuesday I´m at Heidelberg again. I even know that the Café Krokodil should be nice. What´s the place you like most in your hometown?
31. Oktober um 05:11
Faulke Yue i love Harvard Sq Cambridge ma
31. Oktober um 04:31
Faulke Yue i perform there from spring till fall just about everynight
31. Oktober um 04:31
Christine Salzer What song do you remember imaging this place most often?
31. Oktober um 04:35
Faulke Yue now it is getting too cold
31. Oktober um 04:33
Faulke Yue altho the next 2 days may be warm enough i hope
31. Oktober um 04:34
Christine Salzer There?
31. Oktober um 04:38
Faulke Yue when thatvideo starts...just down to the right by the yellow pareked car inbetween those two bulidings is an alley way Palmer St..i play there...
31. Oktober um 04:41
Christine Salzer :-*
31. Oktober um 04:42
Faulke Yue i have so much fun there an meet people from all over the world
31. Oktober um 04:43
Christine Salzer I think you would like Gare de la Lune during Elbhangfest in June!
31. Oktober um 11:42
Faulke Yue id love to be able to travel an perform ...
31. Oktober um 04:49
Christine Salzer hmm
31. Oktober um 04:49
Christine Salzer to dream is the first step
31. Oktober um 04:50
Faulke Yue and its been a long long step.....
31. Oktober um 04:51
Faulke Yue what time is it there..??
31. Oktober um 04:53
Christine Salzer In 2010 I sold fineartprints at the Centrumgalerie Two Australian came and wanted to buy one. But the print was to great to fly with: 1,0 x 1,5 qm. So they wanted, that I cut the canvas. I didn´t know how to do. So they walked away without any print.
31. Oktober um 12:29
Christine Salzer it´s late time to sleep
31. Oktober um 04:54
Faulke Yue have a good rest and thank you again for sharing the music...
31. Oktober um 04:54
Christine Salzer you´re great!
31. Oktober um 04:55
Christine Salzer I´m happy hearing and reading you
31. Oktober um 04:55
Faulke Yue same here...nite..
31. Oktober um 04:56
Christine Salzer n8
31. Oktober um 04:56
Christine Salzer schmacht, Harvard muss schön sein ... Heimat überhaupt.
31. Oktober um 16:09
Norbert Siegfried Lootz Tolle Stimme,fast so gut wie meine...
31. Oktober um 16:14
Christine Salzer Gottschalk kam am Sonntag heimlich ins Bayern3 Studio - sogar mit Webcam. Extrem nah, näher geht nicht. Das würde UW Groke wahrscheinlich nie für Hörer tun. Heimlich, naja. Irgendwann findet sich von allem eine Aufzeichnung
31. Oktober um 16:23
Norbert Siegfried Lootz Du bleibst immer jung und strahlend....prima!
31. Oktober um 16:19
Christine Salzer Das ist mein Blick-aus-dem-Dachfenster-Gesicht. Mit Gegenüber schaue ich anders.
31. Oktober um 16:22
Norbert Siegfried Lootz Dachfenster?,der Ausdruck und das Intensive deiner Person sind die Dinge...
31. Oktober um 16:26
Christine Salzer Da draußen, fünf Meter weiter auf dem Hinterhof sind zwei Tanzclubs und eine Theaterschule sowie zwei Bandprobenräume.
31. Oktober um 16:28
Faulke Yue i have more videos here....
31. Oktober um 18:42
Christine Salzer do you like skype? I was happy working in 2008 some weeks at a little radio station ... the seconds in the beginning is my voice speaking "hallo ... guten morgen" in 2013. I´d like to record our talk as podcast like thorsten otto does. I hear him every evening. it would take only a moment to speak and to hear some words about christmas, empty touch & the freedom to be the one, one wants to be. First I associate with empty touch - I got nearly the same treatment last week being at the hairdresser.
31. Oktober um 20:00
Faulke Yue i dont have skype..my pc doesnt have a mic etc....do you think my music would be welcome in Germany....?
31. Oktober um 20:06
Christine Salzer I like it and I´m german I love your voice.
31. Oktober um 20:55
Faulke Yue ha ha..thank you....ive had a few people not from Germany tell me they would appreciate me there....
31. Oktober um 21:10
Christine Salzer The Radiostation is really small. Sometimes there were five People hearing us, sometimes fewer than five. But everything was there to take the sound and the speach. Mostly everytime we spoke live. Everyone was really excited, hoping that five people would stay.
31. Oktober um 21:14
Faulke Yue ive played for an empty bar one time...when everyone left for a cigarette and the bartneder left...i played for a bit more an then stopped and packed away the memory...was cool...
31. Oktober um 21:15
Christine Salzer I write a blog for myself, sometime someone is reading there
31. Oktober um 21:16
Faulke Yue id like to read there to....
31. Oktober um 21:17
Christine Salzer hihi, that are only some words every day to realize what happened. Months before I wrote about UW Groke, but he didn´t like it. So I only think about him writing nearly nothing. If I could, I would turn on the radio and hear him. But he isn´t on air anymore
31. Oktober um 22:30
Faulke Yue hhmm do they translate to english..??
31. Oktober um 21:23
Christine Salzer There is an english version of Assoziations-Blaster. There we could speak together on an easier way, linking every word of every idea of the other one.
31. Oktober um 21:48
Faulke Yue i went there...
31. Oktober um 21:52
Christine Salzer ...
31. Oktober um 21:55
Christine Salzer ...
31. Oktober um 21:59
Faulke Yue maybe ill look into skype
31. Oktober um 22:05
Christine Salzer you´re great
31. Oktober um 22:07
Faulke Yue should i post a link to my music there..?
31. Oktober um 22:09
Christine Salzer I would be happy
31. Oktober um 22:09
Christine Salzer Sometimes I had forgotten to write my name
31. Oktober um 22:13
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